Monday, June 28, 2010

3-D Mania

I recently saw the 3D movie, Toy Story 3. Overall, the movie was pretty good and I recommend it, but I thought some parts were a little intense for a kids movie. Anyway, this got me thinking about 3D and how far it has come in the recent years. Do you remember the old school 3D glasses that had one blue lens and one red lens? Yep, those were the days. I used to think that those disposable paper "glasses" were the coolest things when they made a picture appear as though it was right in front you like you could touch it (or to put it scientifically, it enhances the illusion of depth perception). Innovation has definitely taken hold of those glasses. Now the glasses that you buy at the theater look like something the Blues Brothers might wear.

Believe it or not (as Ripley would say), 3D films have actually existed in some form since 1890. The reason it has taken so long for 3D films to come to a theater near you is because the technology wasn't all there yet and processes involved to produce and display a 3D film were very expensive. There were actually several 3D films during the 1950's. Then in the 1980's-90's, IMAX theaters and Disney themed venues brought 3D back to life. I specifically remember going to Disney World when I was young and seeing the Muppets and Honey I Shrunk the Audience in 3D. Those were the first 3D moving animation I had ever experienced and they obviously left an impression on me.

I don't know if it's just me, but it seems like almost every children's movie is in 3D these days. I agree that 3D is very cool, but overall I do not know if 3D is worth the price. Movie prices are already going up all the time and now you HAVE to pay for the 3D glasses also. I just request that it be required for theaters to offer a 2D version along with their 3D version. Then at least movie goers have the option. When I first started paying for myself at the movies it cost $6.50 (on the weekend, at night) at our local theater for 1 adult. In present time at the same theater, to go see Toy Story 3 in 3D it costs $8.50 (on the weekend, at night) for 1 adult PLUS $3.50 for 3D glasses, which equals a total of $10 (and that's not including any snacks/drinks). Also keeping in mind that this is in a town with a population of only about 15,000. Therefore, 2D should be a required option for people at the movies. This way families can have a fun experience without having to take out another mortgage just to get the experience.
I am very excited to see where 3D goes from here. Between the new Samsung 3D televisions (you know the one with Hey Soul Sister playing in the background) and the possibilities with 4D, I think the future holds some pretty cool stuff.

Just as a side note, I read that in late 2005 Steven Speilberg announced he was involved in patenting a 3D cinema system that does not need glasses (Now we're talking!)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Dogs

Name: Sadie

Sex: Female

Breed: Jack Russell Terrier

Birthday: January 23, 2005

Relationship Status: Single

Likes: Car rides, long walks, orange Trident gum, getting scratched behind the ears, cuddling, my stuffed animal Goofy, St. Louis Cardinals, farm animals (especially cows), Lady and the Tramp, fruit snacks

Dislikes: Baths, being separated from my owners, getting my nails clipped, rain, being in new places, the vet, the brown pieces of dog food

Hobbies: Running in circles, being cute, licking, chasing flies, bathing in the sun, sleeping, looking out the window, getting what I want

Little about myself: I am an awesome guard dog and keep track of where everyone is at all times. I am timid when I meet new people, but I am trying to be more outgoing. I love to be outside and run and sniff. I listen very well and I can sit, shake, lay down, stay, and roll over.

Name: Riley

Sex: Male

Breed: Golden Retriever

Birthday: May 16, 1998

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

Likes: Laying around, eating snow, attention, people food, rolling in the grass, nice weather, getting brushed

Dislikes: Loud noises, Sadie, Thunderstorms/Rain, my kennel, being told what to do, cats

Hobbies: Marking my territory, chewing on rocks, getting dirty, barking, finding dead animals, playing keep away

Little about myself: I am a very outgoing dog and love to be around people. Sadie follows me around and is sometimes annoying, so I just try to ignore her. Even though I may be getting older, I still like to play and have a good time. I also have figured out that even if I don't completely listen to my owners, they still usually give me what I want. I am a multi-talented dog and can sit, shake, lay down, stay, and speak.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

There's No Place Like Home, during the summer

It took me awhile, but I can now consider myself officially on summer break! I just recently finished a month long summer class, so my summer was delayed a bit. But now I am moved home and ready to begin....well doing nothing. Ok that's a bit of an understatement, but if I'm not sitting in a classroom or going to work on a regular schedule then I am happy. Here are the reasons why I love being home in the summer....

(These are in no particular order)

1. I get to be outside!
I am a big fan of doing anything outside. My house is in the country, so I was outside all the time growing up. Whether it's playing, working, running, jumping, or skipping... I wanna be doing it outside. I was deprived of sunlight down at college. The only activities to do outside are the occasional sport (but there's no one to play with in the summer because everyone has gone home), run/exercise (ha!), and walk somewhere (but walking gets old after 10 months of it). Therefore, I am going to soak up the sun and take every opportunity to be outside at home.

2. Free stuff.

Now, I don't want to make it sound like I am taking advantage of my parents, but I like eating free food again now that I'm home (so sue me). Did you know that food is expensive!? Ya, I learned that this past year. Seems like when I go to Walmart, buy about 7 ish items, I spend about $30-40. Ridiculous. It'll be nice to not have to spend that money for awhile. I don't feel too bad about eating my parents food and letting them pay when we go out to eat, because I'm contributing this summer. I brought home (from college) several bags of popcorn, hot chocolate mix, a can of corn, instant mash potatoes (which are surprisingly good), and a few leftover poptarts. What more could you ask for?

3. Catchin' up on some family time.

Being down at school makes you sometimes feel like you miss out on family events. Well I can make up for lost time this summer. Mmmm.....I can smell the cookouts already!

4. Lightning bugs!

I completely forgot that the lightning bugs would be out, now that mid June is here. It was definitely a pleasant surprise. I didn't see any of those in Champaign, IL. Too much cement and not enough grass and open space.

5. My dogs.

I have two dogs and missed them a lot when I was at school. I will be talking them on a lot of walks and rides this summer! It may not sound exciting to you, but they get pretty amped up about them. My dogs will be my partners in crime in the up coming months :)

Unfortunately, this is my last summer break. Next year at this time, I will be all grown up and will probably have a job and be working 8-5 Mon-Fri. I am saddened that this is my last hoo-rah, but now I have NO excuses to not do what I want this summer. This will be the summer of Kirsten!

Monday, June 7, 2010

It's my first time

I am going to be upfront with you, because I do not believe in lying. I must confess that I, Kirsten Hill, am a blogger virgin. What you are reading right now is officially my first blog that I have ever written. I am kind of excited to be undergoing this new experience and seeing what this part of the cyber world is all about. I want to find out why blogging is such a big deal and why people enjoy it so much. Hopefully, I will get my answers to my questions as I start my own blog. Basically I plan on mine being about my everyday thoughts. Some might be about me, but since I’m not really that interesting of a person… I’ll probably write about current events or just something I find interesting where my opinion should be heard.

I am a currently a student at the University of Illinois and I just finished my junior year. (I am hoping to exceed all expectations and graduate in just four years! Pretty awesome, right?) My major is in Agriculture Communications with a concentration in advertising. By the way (BTW), I am aware that I have one of those majors where after you tell someone they just give you this dumbstruck look where either they think that you just made up a major or that since it has a long name that it must be a pretty hard major. In my case, neither is true. But anyways, with my concentration being in advertising, I have to take many advertising based classes. Obviously, a central theme in most every one of those classes is social media, which is where blogging makes its appearance. I have personal experience with most other forms of social media, except blogging.

In class, we learned all these crazy statistics about how much and often people blog and everything. I’d share them with you if I remembered any of them, but I don't. But I do know that they left an impression on me about how huge blogging has actually become. So you are going to have to settle for some blogging facts from who other than... Martha Stewart (man, is there anything that woman doesn’t know?)

*** What is a blog? A blog is a website with regular entries or logs, thus the term "web log," giving us what we now refer to as a blog. (Oh, now I understand how the whole Bennifer, Brangelina, and my personal favorite, Tomkat, celebrity couple thing got started. Got it.)

*** The Blogosphere: The world of blogs is now called the blogosphere . It's a catch-all term for a world of web logs that have transformed how millions of people exchange information. (Blogosphere? really? It's like they wanted us to be called nerds)

*** 77 million users in the U.S. are visiting blogs every month

*** There are 7.4 million active blogs

A little mind blowing right? I know. I would have never guessed either when I woke up this morning that Martha Stewart would have taught me something useful today.

Now, I can’t guarantee the validity of Martha’s facts (but I know she wouldn't lie). If anything though they are probably outdated and the numbers have grown.
So now that I have started a blog I can become part of those statistics. I am just 1 of 120,000 former blogger virgins who created a new blog today. Just think, the chances of you reading mine instead of all the other millions out there are pretty slim. You should probably play the lottery.

Here are a couple links that actually are pretty mind blowing about social media and the internet: