Monday, June 7, 2010

It's my first time

I am going to be upfront with you, because I do not believe in lying. I must confess that I, Kirsten Hill, am a blogger virgin. What you are reading right now is officially my first blog that I have ever written. I am kind of excited to be undergoing this new experience and seeing what this part of the cyber world is all about. I want to find out why blogging is such a big deal and why people enjoy it so much. Hopefully, I will get my answers to my questions as I start my own blog. Basically I plan on mine being about my everyday thoughts. Some might be about me, but since I’m not really that interesting of a person… I’ll probably write about current events or just something I find interesting where my opinion should be heard.

I am a currently a student at the University of Illinois and I just finished my junior year. (I am hoping to exceed all expectations and graduate in just four years! Pretty awesome, right?) My major is in Agriculture Communications with a concentration in advertising. By the way (BTW), I am aware that I have one of those majors where after you tell someone they just give you this dumbstruck look where either they think that you just made up a major or that since it has a long name that it must be a pretty hard major. In my case, neither is true. But anyways, with my concentration being in advertising, I have to take many advertising based classes. Obviously, a central theme in most every one of those classes is social media, which is where blogging makes its appearance. I have personal experience with most other forms of social media, except blogging.

In class, we learned all these crazy statistics about how much and often people blog and everything. I’d share them with you if I remembered any of them, but I don't. But I do know that they left an impression on me about how huge blogging has actually become. So you are going to have to settle for some blogging facts from who other than... Martha Stewart (man, is there anything that woman doesn’t know?)

*** What is a blog? A blog is a website with regular entries or logs, thus the term "web log," giving us what we now refer to as a blog. (Oh, now I understand how the whole Bennifer, Brangelina, and my personal favorite, Tomkat, celebrity couple thing got started. Got it.)

*** The Blogosphere: The world of blogs is now called the blogosphere . It's a catch-all term for a world of web logs that have transformed how millions of people exchange information. (Blogosphere? really? It's like they wanted us to be called nerds)

*** 77 million users in the U.S. are visiting blogs every month

*** There are 7.4 million active blogs

A little mind blowing right? I know. I would have never guessed either when I woke up this morning that Martha Stewart would have taught me something useful today.

Now, I can’t guarantee the validity of Martha’s facts (but I know she wouldn't lie). If anything though they are probably outdated and the numbers have grown.
So now that I have started a blog I can become part of those statistics. I am just 1 of 120,000 former blogger virgins who created a new blog today. Just think, the chances of you reading mine instead of all the other millions out there are pretty slim. You should probably play the lottery.

Here are a couple links that actually are pretty mind blowing about social media and the internet:

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